SLAS Membership Types and Benefits

Find Your Fit in the SLAS Life Sciences Community

SLAS connects individual members to tangible opportunities that build career strength. The scholars, scientists, researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs that form the foundation of SLAS membership contribute to a deep well of innovative research, scientific publishing, continuing education, professional collaboration, networking and career advancement.

SLAS also offers discounted membership pricing for organizations with five or more members. This discounted membership pricing allows members of any company, organization, or university – wherever they may be located – the ability to stay on pace with the latest science, technology and connections from SLAS’s education, networking, mentoring and more. Individuals receive all the benefits of Premier Membership at considerable savings ($125 vs $170 USD). 

Categories and for students, early-career, experienced professionals and retired experts are available to meet the needs of every level of experience in the life sciences community.

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SLAS membership certainly has its benefits. Join at one of the membership levels above to take advantage of the many things that makes SLAS membership so valuable!


SLAS Fellows

The SLAS Fellow Member Program recognizes the exceptional contributions of SLAS’s most valued volunteers. Fellow status is bestowed by SLAS each autumn based on accumulated service to the organization. These individuals have given back to the SLAS community by sharing their knowledge, time and leadership and by reinforcing valuable peer-to-peer connections throughout the organization.

View SLAS Fellow Members